Monday, September 25, 2006

Sleepless nights

You know what's one of the worst things a friend can do? Rape your mom.

You know what's almost as bad? Being told unsettling news right before you need to go to sleep.

Ok, so maybe it's a stretch there... after all, at least I don't have an exam tomorrow...

I may be trapped in a paradox in where I'd like to be more sincere but to be sincere - i.e. myself - I need to be sarcastic as fuck. I've acquired this air of being very hostile and agressive... not actively, mind you but I'm sure it isn't a stretch to imagine what I mean given how I started this post. It has served me fairly well... keeping me sane by keeping some of the yearning masses and cacophonous rabble from swallowing me up whole but it seems I've put some form of wall that prevents the good ones from getting through. Don't get me wrong... I love humanity I just dislike a lot of people. The ones I do like, I'd honour almost as close as family. But it seems despite seeing the good in some, they don't see the good in me. And it's killing me.

Lego + Escher ftw.


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