Tuesday, August 22, 2006


So, I woke up with the first true hangover in my life. I knew I would likely get one the night before but I really couldn't bear to try and put more liquid into my belly. It was ok though. Friend is half-way to halifax by now I'm sure. Fun night even though I didn't meet too many new people - I got to catch up with a lot of old friends though.

Saturday I attended Flugtag where the UBC Snowstar Team entered and embarrassed us all with their entry. It was fun though and they did put it together in 2 days. Paul completed a back-flip into the drink and I think I got a pic of it but I'll need to develop them. They also had skydivers and it really seemed they spend a shitload of cash on this event - with free admission.

Later on, we went to the Naam for veggie food. Then it was off to Paul's place for a party. Met some cool new people but I didn't stay long... hang-over + 5-6 hours in the sun was taking its toll. Went into work for a bit on Sunday then did some bouldering with Paul.

Yesterday was really productive. I met with my sub-group for this teaching committee I'm a part of and we actually really got a lot done. We could really change the face of education here in the Phys Department and maybe UBC as a whole.

Finished off the day with 2 hours of soccer. The Japanese kid we've stumbled across is a born midfielder. He, Amy and I embarrased Samson, Harrish and Sybil :)

Ok, I'm (almost) off to the Tool concert tonight.



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