Monday, August 14, 2006

A needed restful weekend

Had a very restful day where I did virtually nothing. I just came back from watching Clerks II with some friends and then played some pool at my spiffy newish place. I've decided that you should only ever play pool with 4 - maybe 3 - people around. No more, no less. With two, there's not enough social interaction; with more and you're just fighting to shoot.

If you've been into the Jersey... quintillogy up to now, then you should see Clerks II. I was very hesitant about seeing it and while it lacks a lot of the originality and some of the insight the first one did, it's still entertaining. It also has a much different theme... I just have to salute Randal's naivete and his attempt to take back porch monkey (4 life!).

Oh, and I finally figured out what was fucking wrong with my circuit... one of the inputs to an op amp wasn't grounded. Very frustrating to have an obsolete circuit diagram accompanying a PCB where you haven't designed either. You DMM is your best friend.

Also, having a house to yourself is awesome. Being able to crank the music at 1am rules.

Alright, time to get some shut eye...


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