Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mission Statement

I've grown a lot in the past few years. Since high school, I've endeavoured to be more social - and I've mostly pulled it off. I gained a lot of confidence for those first few years, had some tumultuous times but have come out for the better. I've started to volunteer more for various activities and have been able to have more fun in general. I love where I am right now but I still think there are places where I can improve. I'm going to use this blog to improve myself. First, I'm going to address a bit of a discipline matter. I'm going to force myself to write to this blog everyday (excluding weekends, those are optional) . Furthermore, I'm going to describe what happened to me that day... I find whenever people ask me what's going on, I draw a blank. I don't really see the importance of my days events - they bore me for the most part. However, I think that's a perception problem on my part. So, I will post about the day and try to make it interesting. As my friends, I ask for your feedback. I'll still try to keep things concise, of course, because rambling is just as boring as saying nothing.

Last night, I went out to Koerner's Pub. I had intended to go to the Gallery and watch some amateur comedians cope with their self-confidence problems but plans changed. A friend changed her mind and the comedy show was replaced by some random live band as a fundraiser. We were going to go to the Ag. Sci beer garden but as I showed up in advance, the police had crashed and were monitoring the fire code for occupants - so I booked it to Koerner's.

It was more of the same there amongst my friends - dead convo, playing pool/shuffleboard the entire night. My sister enlightened me that I am as much to blame for the dead convo - hence trying to improve my storytelling skills. The night did prove a bit interesting as I met some guys from SFU who were here for a composer symposium or some other multisyllabic title. Had a game of pool with them - in which I almost won but scratched on the 8-ball. Later on in the evening, as they were about to leave, they asked me a bit of what I did. After I jostled around and dodged the question for a bit, I told them I'm studying Engineering Physics. They asked me some of the courses I'm studying to which in the end, I mentioned quantum mechanics. They continued to ask me specific questions about what quantum mechanics is and I proceeded the tell them about some basic postulates of QM. I ended up using analogies to stringed instruments to talk about stationary states - harmonics and tension being the 'potential' in a harmonic oscillator. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Oreo threw together a hockey game today. I've been missing that for a few months; it was fun strapping on the goalie pads again. We'll give you a call next time; hopefully the weather will remain nice.

Well, I'm happy to keep in touch over this blog. I'm wondering if it might be feasible to get all of us on Facebook, but I really don't want to be sucked into that maelstrom.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Charlie said...

Yeah, I'd love to play, just give me a ring.

Facebook... yeah I've avoided that like the plague.

1:58 AM  

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