Thursday, July 03, 2008


There's a lot I have to post about detailing my trip from Barcelona, back to Paris since I missed so much before and now being in Black Forest in Germany. Next time I have reliable internet access, I'll post more... Here's some tidbits though:

-La Sagrada Familia is fucking awesome.
-Dali, Gaudi and Picasso all prominent artists around Barcelona and are all amazing. There must be something in the water
-Festival of St. Joan\Jean was awesome
-I'm meeting like 4-5 people on average a day
-Living on Las Ramblas was damn sweet even though the couch wasn't adult friendly.
-Paris is too god damn big
-5 hours at the Louvre and still didn't really see everything
-Versailles is also huge... though mainly the garden.
-La Tour Eiffel was pretty cool... nice light show and it's quite big.
-Celebrating Canada Day in Paris was fun but didn't meet an abundance of Canadians. The people on I did meet that night were almost all fun and entertaining people
-Rodin's gate to hell is soooo sweet, totally beats thinking man
-Black Forest is exactly like temperate BC. It's even fucking raining, yet I'm still trying to camp outside. I partially slept under a bridge last night!

I'm probably going to Berlin tomorrow. Pushing up my trip dates a bit... which means I might be able to squeeze something else in.... or just spend more time in Munich with family.